Well. That was Dreadful.

Today. It was tough. 

I woke up around 9:30 only to lie in my bed for the next three hours. Yes. I got out of bed today at 12:30 for no reason other than to find food and clean the sink full of dishes in my kitchen. I am normally quite the neat freak and, as i’m sure you can imagine, lately I have been too concerned with traveling and Netflix to even care. However, it was getting out of hand….like…I needed a plate. To be quite honest, I had zero desire to accomplish anything productive today. Originally, I was set to meet my trainer, Emily, at 10:00 am. I saw her at 4. Whoops.  

I intended on having the most productive and accomplished day! I was so ready to really begin this blog journey and to do the things I set out to do, but that’s just not the way I felt when I woke up. Instead, I heated some Almond Covered Chicken (my favorite thing from Earth Bar), sat on the couch and quickly fell back asleep to the SORRY EXCUSE of a Revenge episode that I was watching. I hope no one watches that show. I’m embarassed to say I do at this point. It’s ridiculous. 

Anyway! I ultimately made it to the gym and begrungingly took my measurements and weight along with “start” photos. 


Lawd help me. If those arent motivating to me, I don’t know what will be. Also, big shout out to Emily for letting me make that ridiculous face. *thumbs up* So…my workout today was intense. I was already SUPER sore from yesterday and then she totally kicked my butt. You can check out what I did here. Let’s just say I’m having a hard time sitting down. My booty huuuuuuuurts! I did end up feeling much better after the endorphins kicked in. As I was getting dressed to leave, Emily and I were in the locker room talking about the Bible study she went to last night and discussing the church I have been attending, Mosaic, when a woman next to me asked about our Church experiences. As it turns out, she just moved to LA from NY a few weeks ago and was interested in joining me. We bonded over some NYC nostalgia and compared our LA exeperieces thus far. I made a new friend today! Although, we did not end up going to the service tonight (because I thought there was a 6:00 service….there’s not), I am looking forward to Sunday’s message and to spending time with her.

I also began reading The Artisan Soul this evening and as I work my way through the first chapter, Soul: The Essence of Art, I find the common thought process for the opening of the book is about creativity. Erwin talks about the importance of understanding that every person is an artist and every person harbors a creative spirit, despite what they believe. 

Though we may create many beautiful works of art, the most important works of art to which we will ever give ourselves are the lives we live. No matter what else we produce in life- whether we are painters or filmmakers or dancers or poets...we will never create anything more powerful or significant than our lives. pg 12-13

I love the idea of that. Nothing I ever do will be more significant than the life I lead. It seems like such a simple thought, but really, it's incredible considering the amount of people who live.. day in...and day out... conforming to the norm that someone else (wait for it...) created. This speaks directly to the journey of becoming Miss _____. How many of you have been told "Well, Polly Sue did this and that worked for her. We need to get you a dress like Polly Sue!" Or, "You need to be more like _____. She is ____." The whole idea of conforming and changing to be like someone else is, in large part, something that has been thrust upon all of us. Life is about doing what works for our individual selves. We have to, as Erwin says, "embrace the dangers that come from living an authentic life and still choose to live unguarded from the pain and wounds." pg35. 

All creativity emerges from struggle. pg 35 

This is my struggle and, additionally, my hope that this struggle will lead to something beautifully artistic. What an amazing first chapter and message for me today. Erwin has a sermon on this chapter:

He truly excites me. I have never felt so connected to a pastor and their ability to relay God’s word. At this point, I am most thankful to LA for introducing me to a church and the Word in a way I had not been presented before. 

Today, after my workout, I picked up a “berry blast” smoothie (also from Earth Bar) of deliciousness. Blueberries, Banana, Hemp Milk, Almond Butter and protein powder. YUM. While I sipped on that, I strolled through Barnes and Noble, picking up two new books. It appears I’m going to make it through The Artisan Soul rather quickly and so I wanted to have two more things lined up to share with you all as my 60 day journey continues. If you’re interested in ordering them to join in, I bought The Defining Decade by Meg Jay and Thrive by Arianna Huffington. Not too long ago I watched this Ted Talk by Meg and was enamoured by her thought process. I can’t wait to dive in to this book next. 

The dinner I had tonight was positively delicious. Even one day of solid clean eating makes all the difference to me. Internally I feel so much better tonight as I write. Post dinner I began my first French lesson, but i’m not quite done yet. I’m going to have to figure out exactly how to share that aspect with you guys! Before long i’ll be blogging in French, so pay attention! Okay- just kidding. That would be really intense. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

Today seemed really long and emotionally trying, but as I prepare to climb back on to my couch for this episode of Nashville I just missed, I feel more content. Your responses and contributions to my blog have already begun to make me feel better. The type A in me is realizing that this isn’t going to happen overnight. Thanks for beginning this journey with me. 


Until tomorrow....


Mallory HaganComment